If you have been in the market for a new water heater, you may be wondering about whether you should...

If you have been in the market for a new water heater, you may be wondering about whether you should get a traditional tank water heater or a tankless water heater. Both types of water heaters have their advantages and disadvantages – it’s important to do your research first to determine which will be the best fit for your needs. To provide you with some help in deciding, we will compare both options in the article below.
The Pros and Cons of Tankless Water Heater vs a Tank Water Heater
Tankless Water Heaters - In It for the Long Haul
The Benefits of a Tankless Water Heater System
There are many benefits to installing a tankless system. Tankless water heaters only use energy when you turn on the tap. You aren’t paying to heat a large tank of standing water while you are sleeping or away, and this is what saves you money in energy use. Tankless water heaters installation costs are more expensive, but they do have many advantages:
- Compact, space-saving design. Many of these are the size of a small briefcase. They are wall-mounted and therefore save a lot of room in your utility room.
- Low chance of flooding. The tankless units we install have flood prevention built-in, something that hot water tanks do not have. Also, because it’s not a “storage tank” if the unit happened to fail, the flood risk is minimal, compared to a hot water tank that holds 40 to 80 gallons of hot water.
- Lower utility bills. You only pay to heat the water as you use it, on-demand water, rather than heating a large standing tank of water, which results in cost savings.
- Precise temperature control.
- Government rebates up to $1000. Energy Efficiency Alberta began offering government rebates for tankless water heaters in 2018. The amount of the rebate depends on the model that you are replacing, as well as the size of your home. The rebates are subject to third party availability. Find out if you are eligible to save on upfront costs.
- Twice the lifespan. Tankless water heaters for your home will last 20 years or more with the right maintenance.
- Endless hot water. No more cold showers, which is great for large families! However, it should be mentioned that some homes that have a lot of simultaneous water draws may require a couple of tankless units installed.
Tankless water heaters may be right for you if you plan to stay in your home for many years to come. While they are more expensive upfront, over time they do essentially pay for themselves in energy usage alone - saving on operating costs. And as a bonus making a positive environmental impact from within your own home by selecting an eco-friendly choice. Tankless heaters are great for large families. They are also referred to as hot water on demand because they don’t run out of hot water. If you are away from home a lot, tankless units may be a good fit for you, so you aren’t paying to heat water that you aren’t using. If you live in a smaller home or townhome, a tankless model will save you a lot of space that you could utilize for other things. It is important to note that if you select a tankless model, you need to be prepared to have professional yearly maintenance which includes flushing of the tankless unit to prevent mineral buildup which would reduce its efficiency or cause it to fail. Annual professional tune-ups are a requirement of manufacturer's warranties.
Hot Water Tanks - Shorter Term, but does the Job
The Benefits of a Hot Water Tank System
The primary advantage to the homeowner of traditional water heaters is the lower purchase cost. Most homes are already set up for a tank so your plumber will not have to change the natural gas lines or do different venting, which is often the case when switching to a tankless model. These are some advantages of tank models that you may find suitable for you:
- Budget-friendly. Lower cost upfront means you have more money left in your pocket. If your budget is an issue and every penny counts, this may be the best option for you.
- Less maintenance. Compared to a tankless water heater, there is not a lot of maintenance that necessarily needs to be done on a traditional tank.
- Variable tank sizes. You can purchase the right size of tank to best meet your families needs. You may still run out of hot water, but purchasing a larger tank can help alleviate this issue.
Hot water tanks may be the best option for you if you aren’t planning to stay in your current home long term. They are also a good budget-friendly option for those who are on restricted spending.
This guide will give you an idea of the differences between tankless and hot water tanks. If you are ready to replace your hot water appliance, the professional plumbers at Always Plumbing & Heating will thoroughly discuss both options and your needs, to help you select which is the right model for you.