Always Plumbing & Heating

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A Brief History of Plumbing


Posted by Always | September 28, 2016 | Reading Time:

Today we celebrate World Plumbing Day, a date that marks the many achievements made through the innovation of plumbing. Always Plumbing & Heating celebrates this auspicious occasion with our Edmonton neighbors – and the rest of the civilized world. From the Roman aqueducts in 300 BC to the creation of the modern toilet (or water closet) in the 1920’s, plumbing has drastically changed the way society lives. The health, growth and technical achievements of our world are indebted to the creation and implementation of plumbing. Its history is a long and fascinating journey encompassing centuries of innovative process and design. Always has compiled some of the highlights from the last few centuries:

1596: Queen Elizabeth’s godson, Sir John Harrington, invents the first toilet that flushes. It is forever nicknamed “John.”

1775: The first patent for a flushing toilet is given to Alexander Cummings.

1804: Philadelphia becomes a global leader in the plumbing industry when it becomes the first city to use cast iron pipes for water delivery.

1850: The first bathtub is installed in the White House.

A Brief History of the Bathtub

1855: Chicago is the first large U.S. city to create a comprehensive sewer system.

1870: Water heaters are introduced to private residences.

1883: John Kohler and the Standard Sanitary Manufacturing Company begin making and mass producing cast-iron bathtubs.

1911: Kohler invents the built-in bathtub, which becomes a common design in homes over the next several decades.

1920’s: Tank toilets are released, effectively reducing water consumption by 30-50%.

1937: The single handle facet is invented.

1930-40’s: Showers, which were first designed (anonymously) in the 19th Century, become a more common fixture in homes.

A Brief History of Bathing

1966: Due to a copper shortage, plastic piping is created and implemented.

1974: The Safe Drinking Water Act is passed in the U.S.

1993: The Energy Policy Act requires plumbing fixtures to have restrictions on water flow rates.

2006: The successful WaterSense program, created by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), promotes the value of water efficiency.

2008: The Plumbing Manufacturers Institute (PMI) signs a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Canadian Institute of Plumbing and Heating (CIPH). This establishes a “framework of cooperation” between the two non-profits.

Always Plumbing & Heating is proud of our plumbing professionals and the difference they make in the lives of our neighbors. Today, as we celebrate centuries of plumbing innovation, we also salute the outstanding plumbers who keep the water running throughout Edmonton and Alberta. When you need help with your plumbing, call us at 780-489-8118 - and we’ll schedule service with one of our talented team!

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To request a service appointment, give us a call at 780-489-8118 or contact us online.

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