Always Plumbing is proud to be an accredited member of the Better Business Bureau (BBB) since 1999. Our A+ standing with the organization is not simp...

Always Plumbing is proud to be an accredited member of the Better Business Bureau (BBB) since 1999. Our A+ standing with the organization is not simply a rating to trumpet in advertising, it’s a true reflection of our commitment to service and community. In addition to our exceptional service record, our community involvement with various charities including the Youth Empowerment and Support Services (YESS), the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Northern Alberta and the St. Albert Food Bank has fostered strong ties to our Alberta neighbors and given our Always Plumbing family a greater purpose. Our 17 year partnership also reflects our dedication to superior business and advertising practices, which is essential in our continued growth throughout Alberta and surrounding communities.
Though the BBB is a well-known organization, many people are unaware of its background – and the stringent requirements needed for accreditation. The BBB, founded in 1912, is a nonprofit that functions as an intermediary between a customer and a business. It collects and provides unsolicited reviews on more than 4 million businesses. It also handles a variety of disputes between a customer and a business. Their rating system represents the BBB’s opinion of how a business will most likely treat their customers based on information it obtains. This information includes customer complaints, the years it has been in business and its business practices. Here's a thorough overview of the rating system.
This well regarded institution consists of 112 independently incorporated organizations in Canada and the US. But those organizations all work together since August 16, 2011 when the Council of Better Business Bureaus (CBBB) integrated the operations between Canada and the US. The unification was motivated, according to the official statement, '…for an improved customer experience for those who purchase goods and services across the border.'
The BBB researches and reports on a number of important factors that customers should know about a business. The business profiles that the BBB makes public are:
- Proper Licensing
- Appropriate and Truthful Advertising
- Government Actions (Regarding Marketplace Conduct)
- Out of Business Designation
- Misuse of BBB Name/Logo
- Bankruptcy
- Returned Mail
It’s not that easy for a business to gain BBB Accreditation. A stringent BBB Code of Business Practices (Accreditation Standards) must be met and maintained. Always Plumbing takes these standards very seriously – and abides by them in both practice and philosophy. These practices, also referred to as the BBB Standards for Trust, (taken from their site) are:
- Build Trust (Establish and maintain a positive track record in the marketplace.)
- Advertise Honestly (Adhere to established standards of advertising and selling.)
- Tell the Truth (Honestly represent products and services, including clear and adequate disclosures of all material terms.)
- Be Transparent (Openly identify the nature, location, and ownership of the business, and clearly disclose all policies, guarantees and procedures that bear on a customer’s decision to buy.
- Honor Promises (Abide by all written agreements and verbal representations.)
- Be Responsive (Address marketplace disputes quickly, professionally, and in
good faith.)
- Safeguard Privacy (Protect any data collected against mishandling and fraud, collect personal information only as needed, and respect the preferences of customers regarding the use of their information.)
- Embody Integrity (Approach all business dealings, marketplace transactions and
commitments with integrity.)
Full list of BBB Accreditation Standards
Are you looking for a home services company with a stellar BBB rating and a reputation for superior work? Call Always Plumbing today at 780-489-8118 to set up an appointment!
*All information regarding the BBB was taken from their official site.